Poet: Lillian Hinojosa
All lives matter
Not only black lives.
I mean, no one actually said
“ONLY Black Lives Matter”,
But I still think
“Black Lives Matter” is a quite racist phrase.
It’s almost as if
They are trying to tell me
That my white life doesn’t matter.
That chant purposely excludes all other races.
Doesn’t everyone’s life matter?
Shouldn’t we be fighting for all lives?
Black men and women aren’t the only ones who suffer
From oppression.
White people get called “crackers”
White people get bullied for supporting Trump
White people face police brutality as well.
Although, the police brutality we face
Isn't racially charged,
And we don’t have to suffer
Nearly as much unnecessary force
At the hands of a police officer
Than a black man or women would,
It doesn’t matter!
Isn’t that still enough to show
that not only “Black Lives Matter”?
Shouldn’t we be fighting for all lives?
My brother is a cop
He would never threaten a Black man
Based on the color of his skin.
There is no evidence to prove that Black men and women
Are racially oppressed day to day.
I mean, despite the raging statistics,
and highly evidential inequalities that still exist...
But let's forget about that.
Statistics don’t actually mean anything
They are just numbers on paper
What am I supposed to do about it?
Shouldn't we be fighting for all lives?
“Black Lives Matter”,
The chant that spews like roaring water
Through the cities that us true American’s live,
Is the farthest thing from actually being American.
Although these protesters are demonstrating
Their First Amendment rights,
They don’t get to use those rights
If what they are preaching
Is that “Black Lives Matter!”.
White people’s labor and hard work
Is what entirely built this country
And that should not be disrespected.
Only white people are allowed
To run to our state’s capital
With guns strapped to our bodies
Shoving them in police officers' faces.
How do we get away with it?
Well, if you must know,
It’s because we’re white.
We get away with it because of the color of our skin.
Well damn…
If that’s the case
Then I might just have to re-write the whole poem.